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dc.description.abstractBNU / BFSU case study - Visual Learning - This case study outlines the two eELT training projects that the University of Nottingham developed, in collaboration with Beijing Normal University and Beijing Foreign Studies University. This case study outlines the two eELT training projects that the University of Nottingham developed, in collaboration with Beijing Normal University and Beijing Foreign Studies University. Both sets of material supported self-study and small group work online that is scalable throughout HE in China. Also, both projects used a wide range of media and technologies that were matched to learning and teaching needs.
dc.publisherProfessor Carol Hall
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 UK
dc.titleEducation - eChina UK Project
dc.rights.licenseExcept for third party materials (materials owned by someone other than The University of Nottingham) and where otherwise indicated, the copyright in the content provided in this resource is owned by The University of Nottingham and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike UK 2.0 Licence (BY-NC-SA) (URL: ). Your use of the content provided in this resource is subject to the terms of the copyright statement available here:

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