Browsing University of Nottingham Research Data Management Service by Title
Now showing items 1564-1583 of 1996
Paediatric colon length dataset
(The University of Nottingham, 2023-08-29)The deposited Excel file contains the anonymised individual data of the measurements of the length of the colon of 16 children with functional constipation (FC) and 19 healthy children controls, all aged between 7 and 18 ... -
Parasympathetic nervous system
As taught Semesters 1 and 2, 2011 This learning object explains the anatomical organisation of the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system. This learning object is used as part of the level 1 Biological ... -
Parliament in the UK
This is a module framework. It can be viewed online or downloaded as a zip file. As taught Autumn Semester 2010/2011. The module identifies and evaluates the role that Parliament plays in the political system. The ... -
A participatory system dynamics model to investigate sustainable urban water management in Ebbsfleet Garden City
(The University of Nottingham, 2021-01-13)Growing urban populations, changes in rainfall patterns and ageing infrastructure represent significant challenges for urban water management (UWM). There is a critical need for research into how cities should adapt to ... -
Patch Area and Uniform Sampling on the Surface of Any Ellipsoid
(The University of Nottingham, 2023-05-19)Source code (C++), run script (shell), and analysis scripts (Python) in relation to the article "Patch Area and Uniform Sampling on the Surface of Any Ellipsoid" -
Pathway 2 Information : citing references
The citing and referencing module is part of a wider online tutorial designed to teach a range of information skills to undergraduate students. The module aims to provide an introductory guide to why referencing and citing ... -
Patterns of life
Each mp3 voice recording accompanies a PowerPoint slide or set of slides. These two files were bundled together with a transcript of the mp3s (mainly for people with hearing disabilities) and a printer-friendly pdf of the ... -
Perceptions of electricity use at home and in the workplace
(UK Data Archive, 2018) -
Performances Received by Plays set in the Ancient World, 1732-1831
(The University of Nottingham, 2020-04-03)This spreadsheet details the performances that different plays set in the ancient world received during the period from 1732 to 1831. -
“A Permanent National Necessity...” Adult Education and Lifelong Learning for 21st Century Britain
(University of Nottingham School of Education, 2019-11-25)Report of the Centenary Commission on Adult Education (2019); chair: Dame Helen Ghosh. The Commission was set up by the Adult Education 100 campaign to mark the centenary of the Final Report (1919) of the Ministry of ... -
Personal & professional development
This resource provides an overview of the Personal and Professional Development activities and requirements embedded within the eighteen month pre-clinical part of the Graduate Entry Medicine course and the portfolio that ... -
PGCE International
This is a module framework. It can be viewed online or downloaded as a zip file. As taught in Autumn Semester 2009/10. The Postgraduate Certificate in Education (International) is a part-time programme of professional ... -
Photoemission electron microscopy images of antiferromagnetic half-skyrmions and analysis of their current-driven motion
(University of Nottingham, 2023-03-21)Antiferromagnetic half-skyrmions are generated and controllably moved using electrical pulses in CuMnAs microdevices. The data collection contains PEEM images identifying half-skyrmions and tracking their displacement with ... -
Physics in architecture
Developed in 1998 by Dr John Whittle (Department of the Built Environment) using Authorware, this package contains brief interactive notes on eight areas of physics in which architects need a working knowledge. However, ... -
Physiological responses of Brassica napus varieties to variable phosphorous conditions when grown in hydroponics data
(The University of Nottingham, 2022-06-01)Data on physiological characteristics of Brassica napus varieties grown under variable phosphorous conditions in a hydroponics system Varieties A-Prince, B-Caramba, C-Gefion, D-Pacific, E-Montego, F-Musette -
A pilot study to identify MRI derived imaging features that drive the significant association between brain health and dementia related risk factors
(The University of Nottingham, 2024-05-30)The study protocol for a pilot study to identify the MRI based imaging derived phenotypes which drive the significant association between brain health and modifiable risk factors that related to dementia.