Browsing University of Nottingham Research Data Management Service by Title
Now showing items 497-516 of 2000
Fabrication and assessment of a bio-inspired synthetic tracheal tissue model for tracheal tube cuff leakage testing
(The University of Nottingham, 2024-06-13)Data from ISO5361:2023 Leakage test experiments. -
Factors influencing employers’ support for employees with acquired brain injuries or mental illness to return to- and stay in work: a qualitative systematic review
(The University of Nottingham, 2022-12-15)People with acquired brain injuries (ABIs) often experience residual disabilities and mental illnesses that restrict work participation. Employers are key in enabling successful return-to-work and work retention. Previous ... -
Fasted state gastric antral motility MRI and manometry AUC anonimyzed data sets
(The University of Nottingham, 2020-08-13)The Excel sheet deposited contains the anonymized individual data (n=421) and the time course data for the fasted state gastric antral motility study, comparing directly concomitant MRI and manometry techniques in healthy ... -
Feasibility of a neonatal early warning score in Kenya
(The University of Nottingham, 2023-06-27)Access to these files may be requested by reviewers while they are under embargo. Please contact The aim of this study was to test the feasibility and acceptability of an EWS in neonatal units in ... -
Feasibility of whole-body MRI for cancer surveillance in children and young people with Ataxia Telangiectasia
(The University of Nottingham, 2023-03-10)Ataxia Telangiectasia (A-T) is an autosomal recessive disorder characterised by cerebellar degeneration, immunodeficiency, respiratory disease, radiosensitivity, and cancer susceptibility. A-T is a progressive condition ... -
(Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre, 2022) -
Feldenkrais video
(The University of Nottingham, 2022-03-22)This Feldenkrais session was designed by a Feldenkrais practitioner to be used in a soma design workshop which aimed to improve aircraft passenger comfort. -
Fictionalised politics: how politics and politicians are represented in the US and the UK
This is a module framework. It can be viewed online or downloaded as a zip file. As taught Autumn Semester 2010/2011. This module assesses changing attitudes to representative politics in the US and UK, specifically ... -
Field reports in support of Guitar Relicing project
(The University of Nottingham, 2024-10-17)Two field reports in support of social inquiry into the curious phenomenon of guitar relicing. Part 1 reports methodology, practicalities, and a summary of findings; part 2 are anonymised interview transcripts. -
Field reports in support of Responsibility and Regulation: Exploring Social Measures of Trust in Medical AI -
(The University of Nottingham, 2024-09-18)An archive of three field reports in support of: Glenn Mcgarry, Andy Crabtree, Lachlan Urquhart, and Alan Chamberlain. 2024. Responsibility and Regulation: Exploring Social Measures of Trust in Medical AI. In Second ... -
(Figure 2) Un-adjusted LA-ICP-MS 4-cm multi-element runs on ice core KCC from Colle Gnifetti
(PANGAEA - Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science, 2019) -
(Figure 3) Principle component analysis on annually averaged ICP-MS/IC measurements from ice core KCC from Colle Gnifetti
(PANGAEA - Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science, 2019) -
(Figure 4) Annually averaged and smoothed ICP-MS Fe measurements (1780-2006) on ice core KCC from Colle Gnifetti
(PANGAEA - Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science, 2019) -
(Figure 5a) Annually averaged LA-ICP-MS Fe56 measurements (1-1820) with applied Gaussian filter on ice core KCC from Colle Gnifetti
(PANGAEA - Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science, 2019) -
(Figure 5b) Number of weak and strong Sahara Dust Event proxys (pSDEs) in ice core KCC from Colle Gnifetti
(PANGAEA - Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science, 2019) -
(Figure 7p1) Averaged Resample by 0.02 years of LAICPMS Fe56 data with applied Gaussian filter (1315-1365) on ice core KCC from Colle Gnifetti
(PANGAEA - Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science, 2019)