The archive, 3D OrbiSIMS spectra, images and depth contains the following files: +---3D OrbiSIMS spectra, images and depth profiles | alcohol_dehydrogenase_pos_1.itax | bare gold.SE | bare gold2.SE | bare gold3.SE | baregold_110919_1.SE | baregold_110919_2.SE | baregold_110919_3.SE | BSA_DP_pos_1.itax | calculations_monolayer_thickness.xlsx | catalase_pos_1.itax | chymotrypsin_pos_1.itax | concanavalina_a_pos_1.itax | cytochrome_c_pos_1.itax | fibronectin_pos_1.itax | FVNQHLCG_insulin.TXT | FVNQHLCG_lysozyme.TXT | FVNQHLCG_mixture.TXT | FVNQHLC_insulin.TXT | FVNQHLC_lysozyme.TXT | FVNQHLC_mixture.TXT | FVNQHL_insulin.TXT | FVNQHL_lysozyme.TXT | FVNQHL_mixture.TXT | FVNQH_insulin.TXT | FVNQH_lysozyme.TXT | FVNQH_mixture.TXT | GCIB_LMIG_linescans.xlsx | gold lyso1.SE | gold lyso2.SE | gold lyso3.SE | gold_449.txt | gold_605.txt | gold_631.txt | HSA_pos_1.itax | insulin_150-2250_pos_1.itax | lactate_dehydrogenase_pos_1.itax | lipase_pos_1.itax | lyso110919_1.SE | lyso110919_2.SE | lyso110919_3.SE | lyso110919_4.SE | lyso110919_5.SE | lyso110919_6.SE | lysozyme_150-2250_pos_1.itax | lysozyme_insulin_mixture_image_full_spectrum.TXT | lyso_449.txt | lyso_605.txt | lyso_631.txt | lyso_ins_mixture_150-2250_pos_1.itmx | lyso_under_grid_5umbeam_image1.itax | monolayer_overlays.xlsx | myoglobin_pos_1.itax | NAWVAW_insulin.TXT | NAWVAW_lysozyme.TXT | NAWVAW_mixture.TXT | NAWVA_insulin.TXT | NAWVA_lysozyme.TXT | NAWVA_mixture.TXT | NAWV_insulin.TXT | NAWV_lysozyme.TXT | NAWV_mixture.TXT | NAW_insulin.TXT | NAW_lysozyme.TXT | NAW_mixture.TXT | pepsins_pos_1.itax | protein_01.txt | protein_02.txt | protein_03.txt | protein_04.txt | protein_05.txt | protein_06.txt | protein_12.txt | protein_14.txt | protein_15.txt | protein_16.txt | protein_17.txt | protein_18.txt | protein_19.txt | protein_20.txt | protein_21.txt | protein_22.txt | skin_collagen_DP.TXT | skin_corneodesmosin_DP.TXT | skin_keratin_DP.TXT | skin_main_markers_DP.TXT | TCD110919_1.SE | TCD110919_2.SE | TCD110919_3.SE | tcd_449.txt | tcd_605.txt | tcd_631.txt | transferrin_pos_1.itax | trypsin_MS_pos_1.itax