Data are stored in the following directories: AFM Ð AFM images of In2Se3 on mica, SiO2, graphite which can be viewed using freeware WSxM or Gwyddion. Devices Ð measured electrical characteristics which can be analysed using Origin. Optical images Ð showing devices and grown material Ð standard viewing packages available on Windows, Apple and other standard operating systems. PL Ð photoluminescence data which can be analysed using Origin Raman Ð Raman spectra which can be analysed using Origin XPS Ð X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy data X-ray Diffraction Ð XRD data which can be read using Excel Directory Structure: --DATA +---AFM ¦ +---Exfoliated alpha-In2Se3 ¦ +---Films grown on Mica ¦ +---Films grown on SiO2 +---Devices +---Optical Images ¦ +---Device ¦ +---Growth on Graphite ¦ +---Growth on mica ¦ +---Growth on SiO2 substrate +---PL +---Raman +---XPS +---XRD