Learning Resources
PowerPoint Presentations
There are a number of PowerPoint presentations available that support the delivery of this module:
- The nature of evidence
- Accountability
- Ethics
- Evidence - differing perspectives
- Law
- Literature appraisal
- Referencing
- Reflection
There are a number of reuseable learning objects available that support the delivery of this module:
- What are Journals?
- Using databases to find journal articles
- What is referencing?
- Referencing your work using Harvard
- Reflective Writing RLO
- Advanced literature searching
- Qualitative and quantitative research
- Why critique research?
Virtual Portfolio
There is a vitual portfolio available to support the delivery of this module. The virtual portfolio will help you organise and manage your portfolio, with advice on what to include and examples of evidence to help you achieve the placement outcomes and standards of proficiency:
An Introduction to portfolios and their uses RLO is also available.